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Featuring recent imagery and heartfelt stories

I live a not-so, glamorous life.


I’m a sixteen year old girl who prefers to listen rather than talk. I have a quiet voice, but when I sing to myself or shout loudly, heads turn, which, makes me uncomfortable. And I reaaally don’t like being outside of my comfort zone. I only play the piano when I think nobody’s listening, I […]

Meredith // Kennesaw Mountain Portraits


The same day that I went to take Blake and Mallory’s Portraits at Kennesaw Mountain, Mallory’s sister, Meredith came along. Of course, I wanted to take some photos of her, too. 🙂

It was a swell year.


It was a swell year, Sophomore year. Though there were rougher days than others, it’s certain that I hate to see it end already. As the time seemed to drag on and the clock never wanted to reach 3:30, it was at the same time, much quicker than the previous year before. There’s much I […]

A few, happy things.


My life as of late has been filled with so much joy, and so many unexpected blessings. Just when I think I have my life all planned out, God shows me that nothing will stop His will. &It’s rather exciting that May has made its arrival. Summer is just around the corner, and I can […]

I need…Jesus


It’s rather alarming how much I am able to relate to this. I’m so grateful for this truth though. Right now, I’m learning to realize that all I really need to be satisfied, is Jesus Himself. I need Jesus. We sang the hymn, “It is Well” at school on Wednesday, and it’s such a joy […]

I have a question


Why is it that whenever I go to social media, I feel insignificant afterwards? Why does it seem that, especially online, people have better, more exciting lives than I do? Why is it so hard being content? I can’t help but often feel that pang of jealousy…inadequacy…comparison stealing my joy. But perhaps this is just […]

Just being normal.


It’s okay to be normal. I’ve realized lately how much society pushes for individuality. How everyone nowadays should be different and stand out…Be a head taller (haha, never happening) and have a “thing” that they’re good at. Graduate high school with distinction and leave an impact. Every human is different, but when it comes down […]

Dear spring,


Dear spring… You’re wonderful. Words cannot describe how glad I am that you’ve decided to start making appearance. I like being able to wake up to the birds singing their melodies each morning. I like being able to see blossoms peek out from across the street. I like that I’m finally able to have my […]

julia // kennesaw mountain portraits


I’ve known Julia since the 5th grade. I thought that it was really neat that she and I were the only Chinese girls in our class, and I secretly thought that we could be best friends. I was too afraid to tell her, though. W I eventually left for DC right after that year (it […]