Featuring recent imagery and heartfelt stories
“The nature of the spiritual life is that we are certain in our uncertainty. Consequently, we do not make our nests anywhere. Our common sense says, “Well, supposing I were in that condition…” We cannot presume to see ourselves in any circumstance in which we have never been. Certainty is the mark of the commonsense […]
From my instagram, @hannah_forsberg. Dearest Reader, It’s midnight— I can barely keep my eyes open, and I don’t regret the silence here one bit. Truthfully, I admit that I’ve even tried sharing my heart…but the right words never came or wove together. The privilege of vulnerability and the boasting of Yahweh and His goodness brings […]
About a year ago, Margaret Ann brought little Asher into the world. And let me tell you, witnessing the love, tenderness, joy between baby and mama is so so precious. Being privileged to capture this meaningful part of their story literally means the world to me; I love that I’m able to document a part […]
“The Christmas story: The promise, the manger, the life, the cross, the empty tomb; all so that we would be called the children of God.” —Paul David Tripp Thank you all so very much for all of your love and support this past year! God is overwhelmingly good and kind. Have a jolly, joy-filled rest […]
It happens every fall. Every single fall. I start to notice that life is full, busy, overwhelming. That life is messy. I realize that I have nothing together in the slightest, amidst the weariness and the tiredness. I realize how everything longs for rest and peace, and the busier I become, the less joy I […]