Brave Bound was created with the desire to empower established creatives to take action and be a space for raw conversations. A key goal of Brave Bound is to provide value, encouragement, and practical application to help move the needle forward in life and business. Created and hosted by Hannah Forsberg Clouser, her mission is to ignite and encourage creatives to make bold business decisions without knowing the outcome, but rather by trusting the process and putting one foot in front of the other.

LISTEN: Pilot - This is Brave Bound

Listen and take a look at a few episodes including our Pilot Episode to ensure that Brave Bound is the best mutual fit for your audience and to ensure what you want to talk about hasn’t already been covered. Our audience addresses established entrepreneurs (3+ years experience) in the creative industry and most of our episodes are approximately 30-45 minutes in length on average.

Nothing is worse than listening to a free webinar or podcast that feels like another sales pitch into something we didn’t want in the first place. At Brave Bound, we want to create an experience that serves and provides value to those who graciously give us their time. We also recognize that ultimately, consumers will purchase from individuals they know, like, and trust; and that the podcast is a great way to encourage the beginning of a conversation between our audience and your offerings. Please note that we will always include links to your content and offerings in the show notes and in our introduction at the beginning of the show, but we kindly request that any pitches made by you on-air be pre-approved first.

We recommend recording your interview in a location that is quiet, with minimal echo and distractions. Rooms with carpet help absorb echo, creating clean, clear, and crisp audio. We’ve found that recording in our bedroom closet (no, really!) has yielded us some of the best results. Additionally, we recommend using a location that has impeccable wi-fi connectivity to ensure that your audio is not interrupted. After scheduling, you will receive an invite via e-mail with a link to our recording platform.

All that you need is a pair of headphones and a microphone. 

While professional equipment isn’t required, it definitely helps create an experience that listeners will enjoy being a part of. We kindly request that during your interview you use a set of earbuds or headphones to minimize feedback. Should you be interested in purchasing a microphone, here are a few budget-friendly options that we recommend:

When recording begins, don’t be nervous! If there’s anything that you want to re-record or want omitted, just say so, and we can begin again. No worries at all. Take a deep breath, grab some water, and know that you’re in good company of someone who stutters and has to re-record phrases on the regular. ;) Here’s a few tips that have helped Hannah along the way:

  • Come with a general outline or idea of what you want to say - don’t be afraid to do a lot of talking, but also don’t be afraid of the rabbit holes we may go down. :)
  • Come with the mindset of abundance and don’t be afraid to get really granular with what you share - obviously, you don’t want to give away all of that secret sauce, but get tactical and show people how to “walk the talk”.
  • Don’t be afraid of long pauses/mistakes - we’ll edit everything to make sure the conversation sounds polished while removing filler words and long pauses.
It’s important to remember that our listeners come from a variety of different backgrounds. Remember that our goal is to provide value and new perspectives in a way that is judgment-free and welcoming to all, regardless of sexual orientation, religious affiliation, race, gender, body type, or disabilities. Unless the episode is specifically geared towards a topic that may be considered taboo or controversial, we respectfully ask that you keep the following in mind:

  1. Brave Bound does not aspire to be another wedding industry podcast. We want to be a business + mindset podcast first, focused on encouraging others to take brave action and move the needle forward in their lives and business. Therefore, we recommend (and encourage!) tailoring examples/stories to be broader in nature, applicable to listeners of all kinds, from different industries and stages of life.
  2. Not all clients identify as “bride” or “groom”, and therefore we ask you to use a gender-neutral word like “client” instead.
  3. Not all persons identify as someone of faith and while we won’t prohibit you from mentioning if you are religious and any impacts it’s had on your life, we recommend keeping the conversation primarily focused on business application and tangible action steps unless the episode is specifically focused on intersecting faith & business.
  4. Remember to be sensitive to listeners who may have a different background or socioeconomic status. We encourage you to consider making multiple recommendations for various budgets, backgrounds, etc. 
  5. Remember that we are here to provide value, encouragement, and empowerment for our listeners, not make assumptions. As someone who identifies as a female adoptee and person of color, I want this listening experience to simultaneously be a safe space for those who graciously lend us their ear.

Follow the scheduler prompts below to schedule your interview at a time that works best.

We recommend blocking off about 90 minutes of your calendar for the episode. After scheduling, check your email for a confirmation and a Podcast Guest Agreement.

 ***Please note: We cannot record your interview until we receive your e-signature on our Podcast Guest Agreement.

Use the scheduler below or click this link to be taken to the page directly:






06. Neutrality + CONSIDERATIONS

07. Next Steps and Scheduling

Season 2 recording now through mid-May 2023


Elopements, milestone celebrations, portrait sessions, or commercial work.